Thursday, February 1, 2007

Not cool enough for Winter...

Those super huge sunglasses? They look alright on people who aren’t me, but they definitely do not keep me warm. Nope, if you see me from the months of January to March you will not recognize me. (Really, I can walk right up to close friends and they don’t recognize me.) I’ll bundle up until only my eyes are showing if that’s what it takes. We’re talking about sweat pants under jeans. Honestly. So after passing the joggers on their way to the SERF wearing cropped sweat pants and the girl in a Malibu Barbie pink coat whom was blocking her face from the well below zero windchill with gianormus sunglasses it hit me: I’m just not cool enough for winter. I’m that kid from “A Christmas Story” when he can’t even put his arms down at his sides. No straight iron for me before heading to class. I haven’t out grown the “comfort before style” motto, and I don’t think I will. This is the last straw. I’m writing winter off. Really I won’t have to see much of it anyway; I’ve already blocked out all of my peripheral vision with a sweatshirt hood. I’m moving to California and that’s that. Somewhere warm. Somewhere that has sand banks hugging the ocean right now instead of snow banks and salty streets. A place I’ll enjoy taking strolls under the warm night sky instead of bolting miserably from place to place. Am I the only one who remembers the summer: when you could go to the capital bars in the cutest strapiest wedge heels you own? (Sorry, guys I guess you’ll have to imagine.) People wore colors like red and orange and bright blue, not just grey and black and navy. Summer nights that stay light until almost 9:30. Boating, swimming, bon fires, outdoor seating at restaurants, driving with the windows down! It was grand. There are even beach screen savers on my computer and palm tree wallpapers on my phone to tease me! Think of all the songs written about warm weather! I don’t remember the last time I heard a song and thought “Oh yea! I can’t wait until I can’t feel my fingers or nose!” So if you see me around campus or when I’m coming into class shedding layers know that I’m silently giving winter the finger.


John said...

I have to start by saying hell yeah. I also consider myself one who is "not cool enough for winter." And lately, winter isn't even cool enough for me.

As a kid and teenager growing up in a rural area, winter was great. I'd get all bundled up to head out to go sledding, ice fishing, snowmobiling or skiing. Not to mention the inherent fun of the youthful snowball fight. All that has changed, though since moving to Madtown. It's not that I don't enjoy the snow--trust me I love it when we get dumped on. The part I've grown to hate is all the b.s. that comes along with it. I get all bundled up in layers and head to class where obviously they must come off (but you can only remove so many of them). I then sit there, sweating, only to bundle back up and venture back out fifty minutes later. Not to mention the long lost diversions like snowman-making. If only winter allowed me a little more opportunity for fun outdoors maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

That said, I have to wonder who are those people on campus walking around all chic with their North Face fleeces and their well-groomed hair? I know you're not warm, and I know you're not comfortable so why don't you just suck it up, cover your head (in case you missed that day of kindergarten, it keeps the heat from escaping) and put on some gloves. Seriously, it's winter--the season of putting aside all things cool. There is plenty of time to make up for it the rest of the year.

Becky said...

I definitely can relate and am in the same boat. My friends have nicknamed me "Nana Becks" partly because I'm so bundled up in winter. With negative temperatures, I'd rather be warm and semi-comfortable than extremely fashionable. I've lived in Wisconsin my whole life, yet seem to forget how cold winter actually is every year. The first cold day is like a slap in the face and I ask myself everyday why I'm not in a warmer climate. All I can do is count the days until spring comes!

Jon said...

Yea, this cold is ridiculous. I left my house yesterday and had only to walk five minutes to get to the Union.

Half a block from my house, I realized I forgotten my hat. But, I thought, too late to turn back now, and I was already behind schedule.

So five minutes later, and only FIVE MINUTES, I reached the union. I couldn't feel my ears. Literally, I was touching then, pinching them, doing anything I could think of. Nothing worked. They came back 10 minutes later.

It's too cold here.

Bobby said...

The only thing more ridiculous than the blistering temperatures, is that it was like 40 degrees out a month ago. Yea, the cold does suck. The thing that really gets me is the wind in the face. Burr. I do enjoy snowboarding though. The one pro of winter for me. Summer in Madison truly is glorious though. I think I could sit on the terrace and watch the boats go by all day. Plus, the whole not having to go to class thing is pretty sweet. And then theres sandals, and disc golf, and frisbee, and bocce ball. So many possibilities. Well, now I'm depressed. Maybe we'll get above 0 tomorrow. That'd be uplifting.

keith said...

yeah, this has been a little rough, no doubt. it seems like no matter what direction i'm facing, the wind is always in my face freezing my eyes open.

JC said...

Every time I see a weather discussion I must get involved. It's what I do.

Wind chills of near -25 degrees F can give you frostbite in a half hour of exposure. That's not cool. I feel really bad for winter enthusiasts that want to get out there and enjoy the snow we have without having to go to the emergency room for hypothermia.

Good news though, I heard about a warmup in our future. NO, it's not called "spring."

Andy said...

first off, i want to say that this weather definitely does blow...a lot! cold sucks especially being a college student who has to walk everywhere. however, i really enjoy experiencing all four seasons. i like the dynamic nature of nature. plus, if cold weather and snow didnt exist, one couldnt go skiing or snowboarding...two of my favorite activities. i guess im just saying that cold weather does suck sometimes, but it also has perks.